Derains & Gharavi International


Investment Arbitration as an Avenue of Combatting Internet Censorship? – Derains & Gharavi Conference

Derains & Gharavi will be hosting the “Investment Arbitration as an Avenue of Combatting Internet Censorship?” conference in simultaneously virtual and physical formats. The event will take place on Thursday 31 March 2022 during the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW).

The conference will take place from 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm (Paris time) at:
Hôtel Le Marois
Salon Lafayette
9-11 avenue Franklin Roosevelt
75008 Paris

The event will be followed by an apéritif gourmet in the Salon Montcalm of the same venue.


For virtual format registration, please use this link.

Please note that physical format registration is closed.