Derains & Gharavi International


“Le professionnalisme des arbitres” in Cahiers de Droit de l’Entreprise n°4 (juillet-août 2012), Lexis-Nexis, 2012

Yves Derains

Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards, 1975-1985, Paris, Deventer, 1990 (with S. Jarvin); 1986-1990, Paris, Deventer, 1994, (with S. Jarvin and J.J. Arnaldez) ; 1991-1996, Paris, Deventer, 1997 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher) ; 1996-2000, Paris, Deventer, 2000 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher) ; 2001-2007, Paris, Wolters Kluwer, 2009 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher); 2008-2011, Wolters Kluwer, 2013 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher); 2012-2015, Wolters Kluwer, 2019 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher)

Yves Derains

Report on French law on Arbitration, International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, ICCA, Kluwer, 2013 (with Laurence Kiffer)

Yves Derains

“Towards a Coherent Framework for Achieving Environmental Sustainability in Investment Decisions: Reflections on Rio+20 and the Judicial Conference”, 2013 NALSAR’s Environmental Law and Practice Review (ELPR), Volume 2. Co-authored with Dr. Engobo Emeseh and Dr. Akua Aboah.

Hamideh Barmakhshad

“The Arbitrator’s Deliberation” American University International Law Review vol. 27 no. 4, pp. 911-923, 2012

Yves Derains

“The application of transnational rules in ICC arbitral awards”, in “World Arbitration & Mediation Review”, Volume 5, No.2, 2011

Yves Derains

“Les nouveaux principes de procédure : confidentialité, célérité, loyauté” in “Le nouveau droit français de l’arbitrage”, Lextenso, 2011

Yves Derains

“Un demi-siècle de jurisprudence : à la croisée des chemins”, in “L’arbitrage relatif aux investissements : nouvelles dynamiques internationales”, Journée d’Études du 4 mars 2011, Dossier d’Orientation, Conventions

Yves Derains

“Arbitrator’s Contract and Competence-Competence”, note sous CA Paris, 6 January 2011, n°10/20243, Mr. M. c./ Neftegaz, in “Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration” 2011-2, 2011

Yves Derains