Derains & Gharavi International



Co-author of a Panorama de jurisprudence américaine together with Eric Ordway, published in les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2014/2, page 381

Bertrand Derains

Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards, 1975-1985, Paris, Deventer, 1990 (com S. Jarvin); 1986-1990, Paris, Deventer, 1994, (com S. Jarvin e J.J. Arnaldez) ; 1991-1996, Paris, Deventer, 1997 (com J.J. Arnaldez e D. Hascher) ; 1996-2000, Paris, Deventer, 2000 (com J.J. Arnaldez e D. Hascher) ; 2001-2007, Paris, Wolters Kluwer, 2009 (com J.J. Arnaldez e D. Hascher); 2008-2011, Wolters Kluwer, 2013 (com J.J. Arnaldez e D. Hascher); 2012-2015, Wolters Kluwer, 2019 (com J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher)

Yves Derains

Report on French law on Arbitration, International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, ICCA, Kluwer, 2013 (co-autor Laurence Kiffer)

Yves Derains

L’arbitrage ICC et les différends relatifs aux investissements, in Échanges Internationaux  n°99, p.23 (2014)

Hamid Gharavi