Derains & Gharavi International


May 2022

12th Prague Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference

Hamid Gharavi will speak at the 12th Prague Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. This conference will take place in Prague on 20 October 2022.


Melanie van Leeuwen will speak at the 2022 NAI Annual General Meeting on the topic of “Case management: managing time and costs – an arbitrator’s perspective” which will take place at the Peace Palace on 8 September 2022 in The Hague, Netherlands. The programme can be downloaded here.

Meet your female arbitrator

Melanie van Leeuwen will speak at the “Meet your female arbitrator” webinar that will take place on 5 July 2022 at 6:00 pm CET.  This webinar is organised by the Italian members of the Pledge Steering-Commitee. The flyer is available here.


Yves Derains will speak on the topic of “What is the essence of ICC arbitration? What distinguishes it from other arbitration institutions in the world?” at the ICC arbitration conference “100 years of ICC: past, present, and future” that will be held in Mexico City on 16 June 2022

Investment Arbitration as an Avenue of Combatting Internet Censorship? – Derains & Gharavi Conference

Derains & Gharavi will be hosting the “Investment Arbitration as an Avenue of Combatting Internet Censorship?” conference in simultaneously virtual and physical formats. The event will take place on Thursday 31 March 2022 during the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW).

The conference will take place from 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm (Paris time) at:
Hôtel Le Marois
Salon Lafayette
9-11 avenue Franklin Roosevelt
75008 Paris

The event will be followed by an apéritif gourmet in the Salon Montcalm of the same venue.


For virtual format registration, please use this link.

Please note that physical format registration is closed.

5a Edição do Encontro de Arbitralistas Lusófonos

Derains & Gharavi está organizando de forma híbrida (simultaneamente virtual e presencial) a 5a Edição do Encontro de Arbitralistas Lusófonos dia 30 de março de 2022 (quarta-feira) das 16h30 às 18h30 (horário de Paris), durante a Paris Arbitration Week (PAW).

Este ano o grande tema do Encontro será “Res Judicata e Arbitragem Internacional: Reflexões Lusófonas,” com dois Painéis sobre os seguintes subtemas:

Painel I. O Efeito Res Judicata de Sentenças Arbitrais
Painel II. O Efeito Res Judicata de Sentenças Judiciais para a Árbitro Internacional

Este evento será conduzido inteiramente na língua portuguesa.

O programa completo está disponível aqui.

Para inscrições, siga este link.

Para inscrições no evento em formato presencial, escreva, por gentileza, à Ana Gerdau de Borja Mercereau ( Vagas limitadas em virtude das restrições sanitárias aplicáveis.

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