Derains & Gharavi International


May 2013

I-G3 – Counsel to a French insurance company against an American insurance company in a CEFAREA arbitration for fraudulent misrepresentation in the transfer of a reinsurance contract in gap financing

Counsel to a French insurance company against an American insurance company in a CEFAREA arbitration for fraudulent misrepresentation in the transfer of a reinsurance contract in gap financing

I-G2 – Counsel in an arbitration between a Northern European company and a Western European company in relation to an expertise in a matter of responsibility

Counsel in an arbitration between a Northern European company and a Western European company in relation to an expertise in a matter of responsibility

I-G1 – Chairman in an ICC arbitration between French and English companies regarding the applicability of insurance policies

Chairman in an ICC arbitration between French and English companies regarding the applicability of insurance policies