“The Advantages of the ICC over ICSID in Investment Arbitrations, International Arbitration under Review”, Essays in honour of John Beechey, ICC publication No. 772 E, 2015
— Hamid Gharavi“Does apparent bias automatically give rise to conflicts of interest?”, Opening the Black Box of Conflicts of Interest, Bruylant 2016, pp. 139-148.
— Sophia Von Dewall“L’expropriation indirecte dans les conflits entre contractants extractifs” in Le contentieux extractif, Chambre de Commerce Internationale 2015
— Hamid Gharavi“ICSID and its Monarch”, in “Festschrift Ahmed Sadek El-Kosheri: From the Arab World to the Globalization of International Law and Arbitration”, Kluwer, 2015
— Hamid Gharavi“The 2015 Revision of the Ducth Arbitration Act” in Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2015 n°1.
— Mélanie Van Leeuwen“ICSID Annulment Committees: the elephant in the room” in GAR Volume 10, issue 1, 2015.
— Hamid GharaviChronique des Sentences Arbitrales de la CCI in JDI, 2015, n°1, page 224
— Bertrand Derains“Paris Arbitration Rules – de nieuwe standaard in ad hoc arbitrage?” in Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage 2014/52
— Mélanie Van LeeuwenCo-author of a Panorama de jurisprudence américaine together with Eric Ordway, published in les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2014/2, page 381
— Bertrand Derainslnvestment Protection in Brazil, with D. Levy and A. Pucci, Kluwer (2014)
— Ana Gerdau de Borja Mercereau