Derains & Gharavi International


“The Advantages of the ICC over ICSID in Investment Arbitrations, International Arbitration under Review”, Essays in honour of John Beechey, ICC publication No. 772 E, 2015

Hamid Gharavi

“Does apparent bias automatically give rise to conflicts of interest?”, Opening the Black Box of Conflicts of Interest, Bruylant 2016, pp. 139-148.

Sophia Von Dewall

L’expropriation indirecte dans les conflits entre contractants extractifs” in Le contentieux extractif, Chambre de Commerce Internationale 2015

Hamid Gharavi

ICSID and its Monarch”, in “Festschrift Ahmed Sadek El-Kosheri: From the Arab World to the Globalization of International Law and Arbitration”, Kluwer, 2015

Hamid Gharavi

Chronique des Sentences Arbitrales de la CCI in JDI, 2015, n°1, page 224

Bertrand Derains

Co-author of a Panorama de jurisprudence américaine together with Eric Ordway, published in les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2014/2, page 381

Bertrand Derains
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