Derains & Gharavi International



Yves Derains

NACIONALIDADE: Francesa. LINGUAS: Francês, inglês, espanhol, italiano e português. ORDEM DOS ADVOGADOS: Paris. ESCRITORIO: Paris.

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YD WEB © Christophe Lartige

Hamid Gharavi

NATIONALITY: French and Iranian. LANGUAGES: French, English and Farsi. ADMISSION: Paris and New York. OFFICE: Paris

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HG WEB 4 © Christophe Lartige


Romain Dethomas

NATIONALITY: French; LANGUAGES: French, English, Spanish and Portuguese; ADMISSION: Paris and New York; OFFICE: Paris

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RD WEB © Christophe Lartige


Claire Bentley

NATIONALITIES: American and French; LANGUAGES: English and French; ADMISSION: New York and Paris; OFFICE: Paris

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CB WEB 2 © Christophe Lartige

Onur Oksan

NATIONALITY: Turkish; LANGUAGES: Turkish, English and French; ADMISSION: Turkey, England & Wales, and Paris; OFFICE: Paris

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OO WEB © Christophe Lartige

Priyanka Shinde

NATIONALITY: Singaporean; LANGUAGES: English, French, Hindi and Marathi; ADMISSION: Singapore; OFFICE: Paris

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PS WEB © Christophe Lartige

Stijn Wilbers

NATIONALITY: Dutch; LANGUAGES: English, Dutch, Spanish and French; ADMISSION: New York; OFFICE: Paris

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SW WEB © Christophe Lartige

Office Manager