Derains & Gharavi International



“Report on the law on arbitration in France”, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, Volume VI, 1981, Volume VII, 1982

Yves Derains

“Os princípios da lealdade, celeridade e confidencialidade codificados pelo novo decreto francés de arbitragem”, (Yves Derains e Ana Paula Montans), in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, n°32 (Oct-Dec. 2011)

Yves Derains

“Towards a Coherent Framework for Achieving Environmental Sustainability in Investment Decisions: Reflections on Rio+20 and the Judicial Conference”, 2013 NALSAR’s Environmental Law and Practice Review (ELPR), Volume 2. Co-authored with Dr. Engobo Emeseh and Dr. Akua Aboah.

Hamideh Barmakhshad

“The Arbitrator’s Deliberation” American University International Law Review vol. 27 no. 4, pp. 911-923, 2012

Yves Derains

“France’s new Arbitration Law successfully streamlines the arbitral process”, Commercial Dispute Resolution (2011), Q2 Issue 4, p. 49, co-author Cédric Soule

Bertrand Derains

Co-author of the Chronique des Sentences Arbitrales de la CCI in JDI, 2011, n°4, pages 1187 et 1215

Bertrand Derains

Co-author of a Panorama de jurisprudence américaine together with Eric Ordway, published in les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage – The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2011/1, page 163

Bertrand Derains

“Les joies et frayeurs du Conseil”, in “L’arbitrage relatif aux investissements: nouvelles dynamiques internationales”, Journée d’Études du 4 mars 2011, Dossier d’Orientation, Convention׀s “Le Secrétaire Général du CIRDI”, in “CIRDI, 45 ans après, Bilan d’un système”, Editions A. Pedone, 2011

Hamid Gharavi

“Los nuevos principios de lealtad, celeridad y confidencialidad del Código de Procedimiento Civil Francés”, ( Yves Derains & Stephan Adell), in Spain Arbitration Review (Revista del Club Español del Arbitraje) n°11/2011, Wolters Kluwer España, 2011

Yves Derains
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