Derains & Gharavi has extensive and diverse experience in public international law, as illustrated by the non-exhaustive list below (For full list see the CVs of Yves Derains and Hamid Gharavi):
- Advising a State on the possibility of an advisory opinion from the ICJ and an UN Resolution on a territorial dispute with another State;
- Represented an African State in an ICC arbitration arising out of the performance of a contract regarding development of water and irrigation projects concluded between the State and a public entity of ex-Yugoslavia prior to the State’s dismantlement, raising issues of succession of States in relation to the different States implicated (ICC Case No. 23078/MHM);
- Representing Romania in arguing for the termination of the offer to arbitration in its Intra-EU BITs and in the ECT Convention as between EU Member States (ICSID Case Nos. ARB/16/19, ARB/20/15 and ARB/22/13);
- Representing Iran against Bahrain in a State-to-State dispute under the Iran-Bahrain BIT for breaches and damages arising from Bahrain’s acts and omissions against Iranian investors;
- Representing the Central Bank of a Middle-Eastern State against the Central Bank of an Eastern European State in a litigation over the interpretation of a treaty between the two States;
- Represented an African State in an arbitration against a public entity of an emanation of a dismantled State in relation to a military contract executed by the dismantled State before its dismantlement with associated issues of succession of States;
- Represented an Eastern European State in relation to national security measures to be taken against adverse acts of a foreign State entity within its territory;
- Represented an Asian State against a dismantled body of the same in a dispute involving the property of a consulate;
- Advised the Presidency of an African State on the interpretation and implications of a UN Security Council Resolution imposing an arms’ embargo, an asset freeze and a ban on the importation of a natural resource;
- Advising States and companies on UN regional and national sanctions;
- Advising States on the withdrawal from or amendments to their international treaties and agreements;
- Advising States during and/or for purposes of State-to-State negotiations relating to public international disputes;
- Mandates of partners as President, Sole Arbitrator and co-arbitrator in arbitrations under treaties, including State-to-State arbitrations and in disputes arising out of armed conflict or alleged political expropriations; and
- Authors of books and articles and speakers at conferences on public international law and foreign policy (For full list see the CVs of Yves Derains and Hamid Gharavi).