Arbitrage international : la célérité à tout prix?
5 December 2017Hamid Gharavi will speak at the roudtable “Arbitrage international : la célérité à tout prix?” organised by the LJA Magazine on 7 February 2018 in Paris.
Hamid Gharavi will speak at the roudtable “Arbitrage international : la célérité à tout prix?” organised by the LJA Magazine on 7 February 2018 in Paris.
Hamid Gharavi will speak on “Les TBIs comme solution aux sanctions et pressions américaines pour les investisseurs iraniens à l’étranger ou les investisseurs étrangers en Iran” at the following conference: “Droit de l’arbitrage international en Iran”, organised by Société de Législation Comparée, that will take place in Paris on 5 February 2018.
Hamid Gharavi has spoken at the 3rd Joint TRAC-ISTAC conference that took place in Istanbul on 1 February 2018.
Yves Derains will speak on the topic of “El Alcance de los efectos de la clausula arbitral; como lograr clausulas arbitrales efectivas” at the ICC PANARB 2018 in Panama on 30 January 2018.