“Le financement par un tiers”, in L’argent dans l’arbitrage, Lextenso Editions, 2013
— Hamid Gharavi“Brazil as ‘La Belle of the Ball’: The Brazilian Courts’ Pro-Arbitration Stance (2011-2012)” (with A. Wald and M. Vieira) in The Paris Journal of International Arbitration/Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage 2013-2
— Ana Gerdau de Borja MercereauCo-author of Chronique des Sentences Arbitrales de la CCI in JDI, 2013, n°1, page 248
— Bertrand Derains“Le professionnalisme des arbitres” in Cahiers de Droit de l’Entreprise n°4 (juillet-août 2012), Lexis-Nexis, 2012
— Yves DerainsCollection of ICC Arbitral Awards, 1975-1985, Paris, Deventer, 1990 (with S. Jarvin); 1986-1990, Paris, Deventer, 1994, (with S. Jarvin and J.J. Arnaldez) ; 1991-1996, Paris, Deventer, 1997 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher) ; 1996-2000, Paris, Deventer, 2000 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher) ; 2001-2007, Paris, Wolters Kluwer, 2009 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher); 2008-2011, Wolters Kluwer, 2013 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher); 2012-2015, Wolters Kluwer, 2019 (with J.J. Arnaldez and D. Hascher)
— Yves DerainsReport on French law on Arbitration, International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, ICCA, Kluwer, 2013 (with Laurence Kiffer)
— Yves Derains“Towards a Coherent Framework for Achieving Environmental Sustainability in Investment Decisions: Reflections on Rio+20 and the Judicial Conference”, 2013 NALSAR’s Environmental Law and Practice Review (ELPR), Volume 2. Co-authored with Dr. Engobo Emeseh and Dr. Akua Aboah.
— Hamideh Barmakhshad