Derains & Gharavi International



Ruperea intempestivă a unor relații comerciale de lungă durată: „un divorț” care poate costa scump (IUSTITIA REVISTA BAROULUI DOLJ, No. 1 (15)/2018, pp. 72-77) – Original in Romanian (The legal effects of the sudden breach of established business relationships, in Iustitia Dolj Bar Review (Romania), No. 1 (15)/2018, pp. 72-77)

Nicoleta Iftodi

Introduction to investor-state arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, 2018, co-author Josefa Sicard-Mirabal

Yves Derains

“Prise en compte des droits de l’homme et de l’environnement dans les traités bilatéraux d’investissement” in “La protection des investissements étrangers : vers une réaffirmation de l’État ?”, Actes du Colloque du 2 juin 2017, A. Pedone, 2018

Ana Gerdau de Borja Mercereau

“Caso Valeri Belokon v. Kyrgyz Republic : the standard of proof applying to corruption allegations” (comentário) in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação no. 56, 2018

Ana Gerdau de Borja Mercereau

“Discord Over Judicial Expropriation”, ICSID Review – FILJ, Vol. 33 (2018)

Hamid Gharavi